Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Phone Call

I'm sorry if I sound gushy. I promise I won't write only posts about Joel now that I'm married, but I have to say this.

Joel just called me as he was walking to get dinner. I just love how he loves to call me. I'm really not saying this in a mushy way. I'm saying it in a way that I am amazed that a guy can be like this. I'm saying it in a way that says I am so stupid that I wasted years of my life talking to guys who never seemed to love calling me on the phone.

It's an awesome feeling to know that this guy thinks I'm really cool, and he loves the fact that he is with me. He tells me everyday I'm beautiful, and he says it in a way that makes me believe he truly sees my beauty every time he looks in my eyes. He enjoys my sense of humor and my talents. He isn't afraid of commitment. He isn't annoyed by me—he actually thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread.

He's mature. He isn't a coward. He's a true man.

I honestly didn't know that existed anymore. I'm glad he found me. :)


Karianne said...

I just read your post to Chris and we are both so happy for you and impressed with Joel. You only deserve a man like him.
Chris told me to write "ditto" as a reply. I rolled my eyes. Ah, the old married couple...
And I love your Joel posts! Don't ever stop writing them.

Anonymous said...

A man like that is a great find, indeed!

Luke calls me often as well, and like you, I never get sick of the calls. He calls me at lunch if he has cell phone service. And about 3x a day when he is at school, just to tell me he misses me. I adore it. I am so happy we both have such gems!

I agree with Karianne- never stop writing the Joel posts!

Melissa said...

I'm so glad for you, Kelly. It's so sweet to witness those loving relationships too!!