Monday, June 22, 2009

Changing Something for the Better

I have always enjoyed that when I go to my sister's house, she has music on. Either someone's ipod or a radio station is playing. And then there is spontaneous dancing by everyone when we are cooking, or eating or just talking. That is how we grew up, and I have a lot of memories of dancing (texas swing and the 2step) with my daddy in the kitchen. So fun. And now, so touching.

My siblings and I know a ton of old country songs, tons of Motown and 60s music. We can sing along with a lot of songs. And I think that is because they were always the background to everything. Chris is amazed at the oldies we can lipsynch to.

Well, there is a quick fix for that! All of this week I've been playing Pandora Radio on the computer as soon as the kids and I walk in the door. It's been pretty noisy and a whole other level of chaos in the house, but the benefits outweigh those. I hope that this will become one of those habits that just become routine.


KrayonKel said...

I so wished joel liked country music and he danced. I so miss country dancing.

ah well. . . no one is perfect. ;) when you come to texas, you'll have to dance with me. we might get some strange looks, but i bet we get a few free drinks. ;)

alisonwonderland said...

I love Pandora Radio!

Carrie said...

I'll have to try Pandora. Right now I use AOL Radio. It's on about 2/3 of the day. I love it.