Monday, December 17, 2007

Thanks for the Memories

My Grandmother died today.

My Grandfather died in the middle of September, just about four months ago.

Amidst all of the sorrow that usually accompanies an event like this, I find myself feeling grateful for the 29 years of my life that I was able to spend with my Grandparents.

When we visited my Grampa in the hospital before he died, people were saying things like "If only we had spent more time with him." And to be honest with you, I think that they will be saying the same things at my Gram's funeral.

Why live your life that way? If there is ANYTHING that I have learned in three decades on this earth, it is that time is something that you can never replace. If you don't spend the time you have with the people you love NOW, you will never get that chance back!!

I am GRATEFUL for the time that I chose to spend with my Grandparents instead of doing something else!

I am GLAD that I got to know two such WONDERFUL people in my life!

I hope that someday someone will feel about me the way that I feel about my Grandparents.

See you in 80 years, Grampa and Gram. Tell Jesus I said hi. Thanks for the memories.


alisonwonderland said...

i'm so sorry for your loss but so glad that you have such great memories of them! it's a lesson we all need to remember.

Ashley Winters said...

I'm sorry for your loss. We lost my mother two years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and cherish the memories I have.

Karianne said...

I love you. Let me know if I can do anything for you. I'm glad that G and G are together again! Maybe they can meet my daddy!

Anonymous said...

*huge hugs*

I am so sorry for the loss of your Grampa. :(

I am very close with my Grandmother and I know without a shadow of a doubt that there will be people (even her own children, sadly enough), that will have regrets at her funeral. And what makes me even more sad is those who won't even know enough of what htey've missed to have regrets. People who don't take time for the treasure of Grandparents, even when it takes up much vied for time and effort, are missing out on a great deal. I am glad that looking back you are able to feel peace in your heart for what you've experienced with them. Praying for peace for you and your family.

Love, Carrie

Melissa said...

What a beautiful post. It is a good reminder to really enjoy and cherish people in our lives. I love that you can feel gratitude for what they brought to your life!