Friday, April 25, 2008

4/25/08 Happy Things

  • Helping my 12-year-old daughter find an outfit for school that was appropriate for the jump-a-thon but that also made her feel cute wearing it.

  • Watching my 17-year-old daughter help translate for a Spanish-speaking woman trying to resolve her library fine with a not-particularly-patient library worker.

  • Knowing that I can sleep in tomorrow morning!


Karianne said...

Why do your daughters always bring tears to my eyes? I know that you are so proud of your kids, as you should be. Way to go, Mama! Thank you for raising such great kids.
(When I read "17 year old daughter, I almost CHOKED) there is no way she can be that grown.

Anonymous said...

What a great list! Your momma love and pride came through in this post - love it!

Karianne said...

I'm trying to be better at being thankful, so

Thanks for this post!

KrayonKel said...

Awww... the translation thing made me smile. Thanks for sharing!

Catherine said...

So sweet!!!